Golden Gate Nursery Inc.


   In the beginning of March people were saying "looks like it's going to be an early spring", we have come back to reality since then, but its nice to start planting your garden now isn't it? The soil is warming up and drying out, making it nice to work with, it is also "puffy" from frost heaving which is great for your plants because your soil is less compacted and the roots of your veggies can seek out nutrients. We recommend staying off your soil when its wet, to lessen compaction.

   You can plant onion sets, potatoes and other cold hardy veggies now. It's nice to be able to plant some now because it lessens the burden of planting everything all at once. Fertilizers and composts can be applied now too, add these on top of your soil and spade in or rototill... remember to roll weed fabric out before you plant, cut slits where you are planting and use large staples or boards to hold down the fabric, we all know that weeding is the biggest chore with a garden.

   Potato and onion sets are here, as well as vegetables. We sell compost in bags or in bulk. By bulk you can get 100% compost that you can work into the soil of an existing garden, or for a new garden we mix nursery soil and compost 50/50 so your garden will have heavier soil to start off with... bags are $3.99 or by the yard for $64.99.